Monday, April 9, 2012


    I love fiction. I love stories. In fact, I get a buzz from it. Reading it, watching it, and thinking about it. All this came can come even from a 30 second advertisement.  I mean, I feel in a foggy state whenever I finish a great movie or a book. And after one book or movie, I just want MORE.
   So, as mechanical and silly as it seems, I try to pace myself.  I reward myself with bits of fiction for doing the things I know I should be doing.  Twenty minutes of getting ready for the day followed by one song.  Ten minutes of work before I check my blog stats.   When I do this, I am actually happier because I’m getting the real work done and I can enjoy the fun without guilt.


  1. I can totally relate...I get so absorbed in books and movies, that I almost need them in small doses.:) Both, books and movies, I must relate to a character to stayed interested for any length of time.

    My favorite book is "Shantaram". A book I do not think I will ever stop reading. I've read it several times. I also have it on cd and listen to it a little each night. I am obsessed with every character in the book. :) Have you read it?

  2. Reading is an addiction for me too.

  3. I'm not addict to both of these, but i enjoy it the moment caught up.

  4. Same here! reading fiction always soothes my mind..keep me wondering if my life can turn into some wonderful happy ending story like these fictions

    1. Nice to hear that! I feel somewhat the same many times, actually.

  5. WOw! really..that is nice..I must say a great way to get things done..
    And that foggy state is kind of natural i guess..with this i would like to ask do you find movies better or novels?

    1. Tough questions. Novels, I guess. What about you?

    2. Novels :)
      Sometimes i notice a movie made from a book is not that detailed and interesting as it would be to read it complete in a novel.So may be that is one factor.

    3. I guess you're right. Take the Harry Potter movies for example. The book fans wouldn't relish much of the movie.

