Friday, September 16, 2011

Mokka- The Word, or shall we say, more than a word?

    Even though I have spent only four (long ones, I must say), I have learnt enough of the slang and the popular teen culture. Of course, the first word that comes to my mind is "mokkai."
     It is 7.30 in the evening.. I’m cycling alongside my friend on a narrow street. We spot a streetlight blinking on the roadside… (Thanks to the care taken by estate maintenance office). 'Oh, Mokka street.'
     MOKKA has become the most popular used word in teen culture of South India. Boring class, flopped movie, bad jokes, are all said as 'mokka.'
    Mokka initally referred to something boring. But the student community has definitely changed it. It even refers to word puns or indigestable jokes among the students and college-goers.
Every hour facebook walls and mobile texting screens are filled with these all over India and the world perhaps. “Mokka”s on corruption charges, court cases, movie stars, cricket, IPL, celebrities, exams and many more issues, things and people are being circulated as you read.
  With revised editions of dictionary words coming out often, let's hope Mokka makes it into the limelight too.


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